Research assistant
Dr.Eng. Jörn Wichert
Institute of Geotechnics
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 1, Room H210
09599 Freiberg
Telephone +49 3731 39-3453
period | project |
05.2021 - 07.2024 | Risk management of natural hazards through monitoring and risk modelling in Svaneti (Georgia) Engineering geological mapping and sampling for laboratory investigation of rock properties in selected areas and subsequent rock classification Definition of existing hazard processes and their intensity (rockfalls, slope movements, mudflows, incl. intensity) and survey of factors that influence mass movements (morphology, geology, precipitation, vegetation ...) Development of a localised monitoring and early warning system and event register "mass movements" based on QGIS Numerical calculation and forecasts for rockfalls/slides, incl. Determination of failure mechanisms and safety factors Proposals for improved planning of rock embankments and slopes, e.g. for road cuts, in order to reduce future damage |
03.2018 - 04.2021 | Cross-border expert and early warning system for geohazards in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains Establishment of a monitoring and early warning system in the Elbe valley area and cross-border expert system "Georisks" based on QGIS Development of numerical andengineering geological prediction models with regard to rock failure at selected localities material investigations engineering geological classification of selected slope areas |
09.2018 - 12.2020 | Simulation of crack development in architectural elements and objects made of natural stone due to high thermal stress to develop calculation routines for statements on residual strength Fire tests on cylinders and balusters made of Cotta and Posta sandstone and Lusatian granodiorite Material science investigations before and after fire tests (microstructure, mineralogy, strength, CT, SEM) Generation of geometric models and numerical simulation to determine the damage mechanisms |
11.2017 | Dissertation for the Dr.-Ing. at the Institute of Geotechnics of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg: "(Roofing) slate - origin, deposits, properties, standards and mining" Analysis of properties, in particular with regard to pronounced anisotropy (petrography, microstructure, strength, physical properties) and critical evaluation of existing standards Adaptation of an existing method for an alternative determination of the flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of shale and image-analytical quantification of the microstructure Geoscientific exploration and investigation methods Methods of mining, geotechnical rock classification, failure mechanisms and geotechnical aspects of mining recording and describing worldwide shale deposits and setting up a GIS (geology, storage conditions, properties, use ...) |
10.2012 - 10.2014 | Numerical simulation for risk assessment of consolidated monuments Material science investigations (mineralogy, microstructure, porosities, strengths) Rock mechanical simulation for risk assessment with regard to possible damage caused by consolidation and thermal stress Supervision of student work on fluid mechanical simulations of the consolidation process as a basis for possible future optimisations of the process |
06.2009 - 09.2012 | Investigation and documentation of small monuments in the Saxon-Bohemian border region Recording and documentation of small monuments in the field Design of a database and input of data obtained into a GIS Collaboration on the development of substance-preserving investigation methods regarding crack predictions in building stones |
07.2005 - 02.2007 | Investigation of the Cistercian monastery Osek (Czech Republic) in cooperation with the Charles University Prague Engineering geological investigations and incorporation of all spatial data into a GIS Investigations of underground old mining and its damage to the building |
- Wichert, J. (2023). Schiefer als Werkstein - Entstehung, Eigenschaften, Vorkommen, Abbau. Springer.
- Wichert, J. (2020). Slate as Dimension Stone - Origin, Standards, Properties, Mining and Deposits. Springer.
- Cárdenes, V., Cnudde, J.P., Wichert, J., Large, D., López-Mungira, A., Cnudde, V. (2016). Roofing slate standards: A critical review. Construction and Building Materials, 115, 93-104.
- Wichert, J., Siedel, H., Frühwirt, T., Konietzky, H. (2015). Innovatives Verfahren zur Festigung von schwer konservierbaren umweltgeschädigten Sandsteindenkmalen und numerische geomechanische Simulation der Risiken. Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg.